Doctors Fight For Americans’ Rights To Medical Freedom

OAN’s Pearson Sharp
3:21 PM – Friday, May 31, 2024

Americans are fighting to take their medical freedoms back after the pandemic, and California doctor Brian Tyson is leading the way. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more.


Until 2020, most Americans didn’t realize how powerful the medical industrial complex really is.

Then in March of 2020, the hammer came down, and we discovered just how insidious—how monstrous our government, and the medical industry, really are.

Since then, many of us have woken up to the dangers of our rogue healthcare system, and are fighting hard to put it right.

One of those brave doctors is Brian Tyson, who fought on the frontlines of the pandemic, saving countless lives from the virus unleashed by the Commie Democrats.

Dr. Tyson has been relentlessly persecuted by the medical industrial complex for speaking out, but he’s never backed down, and recently organized a conference in Palm Springs to raise awareness about how Americans can exercise their medical freedoms.

Pearson Sharp: So what are you doing here today? What is this and what are you hoping to accomplish?

Dr. Brian Tyson: So what this is this is a summit on family, food, and medical freedom. I mean, we’ve been at this for four years. We started with COVID, the pandemic, and all of the mandates. And then it became defeat the mandates. Then it became a vaccine mandate. Then it became everything else that’s been going on in this world. So what better way than to get a bunch of experts, bring them to a venue out here in California, which is highly needed, and start talking about issues, right?

One of those experts is Dr. Robert Malone—an outspoken critic of the medical industry’s reckless disregard for patient safety during the pandemic.

Malone helped invent the MRNA technology used in the COVID vaccines, and he warns that the side effects we’ve seen so far—including the sudden deaths of young people—are just the beginning.

Robert Malone: Most people know of others who have been vaccine damaged. I’m vaccine damaged. The incidence of atrial fibrillation is off the charts. The all-cause mortality is off the charts. And there’s this correlation between all-cause mortality increase that’s huge.

Pearson Sharp: The sudden death that we have.

Robert Malone: Yeah, the sudden death. But the sudden death is just the tip of the iceberg because now we’re seeing what appears to be an unusual surge of what’s being termed turbo cancers.

And Dr. Malone isn’t the only one with serious concerns about the vaccines.

Dr. Reny Moon is a pediatrician who was cancelled after she spoke out about the dangers of injecting children with an experimental vaccine.

Dr. Moon: I said why are we being asked as pediatricians to give a Covid shot to little patients who really have no risk or a very low risk of fatality from Covid itself? Why give them a product that we don’t know what the long-term consequences are? By early 2022, we certainly knew that there were very alarming short-term consequences to the shot, including fatalities and heart inflammation. The Covid shot is not a traditional childhood vaccine. It’s a synthetic genetic product that has never … this type of a platform has never been launched into humanity. No one can tell you what the long-term side effects are. The studies weren’t done, and short-term side effects have been alarming.

I also spoke with Dr. Mark McDonald, who warned about the all-out war on America’s children, also known as the “transgender movement.”

Pearson Sharp: What is the purpose of this assault on our children?

Dr. Mark McDonald: Well, I think the purpose is power. There’s a group of people who are benefiting financially from this as well, which would be the clinics, the doctors, the surgeons, all of whom receive private and public, meaning taxpayer, federal grant, state, county, medical money to both perform these procedures and then of course to manage all the consequences and the side effects which is lifelong. They’re cutting off their breasts, they’re giving them basically sexual blocking hormones, and then recommending them for surgery later on in life that will render them infertile.

Pearson Sharp: Is there anything else you think Americans need to know about this?

Dr. Mark McDonald: They need to know that this is spreading. It’s spreading just like a contagion from the East Coast to the West Coast, and it’s going to hit the middle of the country much, much more rapidly than we think. As an example, the state of California, Gavin Newsom, the governor, has funded to the tune of $3.8 billion a public health department initiative to sponsor a grooming app called Soluna, with a sub app called BrightLife Kids, that goes from age zero to 17 without parental consent to trans your children through their cell phones. So if you don’t make yourself aware of what’s happening in your local county and state governments, this could be in your children’s phone sooner than you think.

As grim as these warnings are, Dr. Brian Tyson says there’s still hope.

This is the wild west of the medical frontier—and events like the Family, food and Medical Freedom conference are finally giving Americans the information they need to stand up to the Anthony Faucis and the other *tyrants in the medical industrial complex.

Dr. Brian Tyson: So even though there might be a darkness out there, what’s going on in here is the beacon of light. That’s the beacon of hope. My firm belief is we started with a handful of people, and that handful of people fought and fought and fought. And that handful is now hundreds of thousands of people and soon to be millions of people.

Pearson Sharp: I think it’s already millions. You look at people online and people talking about this, there are so many people disillusioned with what’s happening and paying attention to you and the other doctors in that room. I think we’re really changing lives.

Dr. Brian Tyson: Let people decide for themselves. If they want the vaccine, great. Take the vaccine. If you don’t want the vaccine, then don’t take the vaccine. But you should at least have the information to make an informed consent decision. As doctors, first, do no harm. Informed consent. That’s what we’re about.

Pearson Sharp: Dr. Brian Tyson, thank you for everything that you’re doing.

Dr. Brian Tyson: Absolutely appreciate it. Thank you guys for coming out.

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